Tag Archives: twitter

Sentiment analysis, my approach

My TvSeriesTweet app collects popular tweets from the best Tv Series. I’ve recently added a Sentiment Analysis tab, to provide info about how the Tv Series communication on Twitter is polarized (positive, negative or neutral content) and what type of content best suits the followers. Unlike other analysts, I like to study the communication of the Twitter influencers instead of the sentiments of the users reacting to them.

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Tv Series Tweet App

TvSeriesTweet logo

Tv Series Tweet, was an app for Android, iOS, Windows Phone and Firefox OS. The app was discontinued in 2023, after Twitter (X) decided to kill their free API.

Recent tweets by the most popular tv series!

TvSeriesTweet features were:

  • Follow the best and recent tweets from the best tv series
  • You don’t even need a personal Twitter account
  • More emphasis on words & images (retweets & replies are cut)
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How to update the remote content of a Modal in Twitter Bootstrap

Twitter Bootstrap is a very good tool with beautiful graphics and lots of tiny useful objects.

The Modal object is nice and lightweight, and is also able to load remote content. I liked it and wanted to use it on a list of links, loading new content every time a link was pressed.

The problem

Unfortunately, I found that the Modal remote content load feature works only the first time the object is used! Once a Modal object is instantiated, it is persistently attached to the element specified by data-target; subsequent calls to show it will only call toggle() on it, but will not update its content. This is because the remote load is done in the constructor of the Modal object, so even changing its properties, the content won’t be updated.

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Good old Twitter Feed Widget for WordPress

Good old Twitter Feed Widget for WordPress

Good old Twitter Feed Widget is a free plugin for WordPress, developed by the Whiletrue.it staff to simplify publishing posts from a Twitter account.

This plugin, once given a Twitter account and the correct Twitter Authentication data (used to access Twitter API 1.1), shows the most recent tweets inside a Sidebar Widget.

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